Got a Spark Box?!

Written by  //  January 14, 2014  //  Daily Juice  //  No comments

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Here is a most FABULOUS thing to do. It’s fun to put together and it’s perfect for those days when you’re lacking a bit of inspiration, plain stuck or ……. need something to help you get going again if you’ve had a bit of a break!

It’s called a Spark Box. And what you do is this:

  • Get a nice big box. Big enough to fit A4  size really comfortably.
  • Cover the box to make it look inviting. A bit of wrapping paper will do the trick.
  • Label it “Spark Box”
  • Put your box somewhere super- handy
  • Every time you come across something that inspires you in a magazine, book or leaflet, tear it out and pop it in your box.

Now, when you’re feeling eugh, or stuck, or bored, or fed-up……..stop working and open your Spark Box. A quick browse through there and your mojo will come bouncing back! Promise!

I also keep a digital Spark Box in Evernote ‘cos a lot of the stuff that I read is on the internet. AND I also keep a secret Pinterest Spark Board too.

Do you keep something like a Spark Box?

How do YOU get your mojo back when you’re feeling uninspired?!


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