Six super-nice and very subtle ways to persuade your customer to buy!

Written by  //  March 25, 2015  //  Daily Juice  //  3 Comments

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Here’s something a bit different! It’s a video. It’s kinda like a chatty class! The topic is six super-nice techniques you can use to persuade your customers to buy! No icky stuff here – just good ways to encourage your customer to make a purchase!


The video is a bit wordy at the start but hang in there – it gets better!


The Book!

If you want to read more about the psychology of persuasion this book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition is FABULOUS! As well as helping in a business sense it’s also stopped me buying things I don’t really want! Turns out I was a sucker for icky but effective persuasive tactics!

The psychology of persuasion


♡ Video YAY or NAY?! ♡

What do you think of the video style? D’you like? Or do you prefer the written posts? And is it a bit long? Short? Chatty? I’d love to know! You can pop your thoughts in the comments below or if you want to tell me privately you are always welcome to email me Julia AT Thank you!


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3 Comments on "Six super-nice and very subtle ways to persuade your customer to buy!"

  1. Jenny March 25, 2015 at 10:09 pm · Reply

    Thankyou Julia
    simple and effective ideas . 🙂

  2. Annette Piper June 5, 2018 at 3:56 am · Reply

    Hi Julia, I tried to listen to this video but it stopped playing at about 3 minutes. I restarted it and it continued to about the 6 minute mark but then stopped again and would not start again even with multiple reloadings of the page. Can you check it please as I would love to listen to it.

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