Pinterest for your biz, more on making quick decisions, using eBay and why treating yourself like a toddler works

Written by  //  November 25, 2012  //  scrapbook  //  No comments

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Here’s this week’s “Links we Love”  – a few articles we’ve spotted which are good for business and fun to read. Enjoy x.


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This time of the year can be quite overwhelming, what with busy businesses, end of year festivities and, for me anyway, umpteen things on with kids at school. So when I saw this article about a simple breathing exercise to energize my slightly defunct brain, I thought I’d give it a go. The verdict? It’s easy, feels good and I think it does work!

And here’s another clever way of looking after yourself so that you can work (and play!) better. It’s called ‘Treating yourself as a Toddler”. As I have a toddler I could easily slip into parent mode and found it an amusing way to work out (or just admit to!) the things that cause me stress. Definitely worth a go.

Do you run an online business? Do you sell on eBay? This article explains why eBay might be just the place for you to ramp up your sales, plus there are a few stories of people who are making it work.

Last week I mentioned Sarah Wilson’s foolproof way of making decisions. In a slight case of cart-before-horse this week I’ve found a great article on why it’s so important to make quick decisions.

Finally, who loves Pinterest? I do, but more for fun than for business. That might all change now that I’ve read this fabbo article. If you, like me, don’t sell gorgeous looking stuff scroll down to points 13 onwards for how to use Pinterest for your business too. I haven’t actually done any of the things suggested yet (!) but if you want to keep tabs on me for when I do I’m at

Till next week


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