Finding your second wind, motivation boosters, better internet marketing and more

Written by  //  April 29, 2013  //  scrapbook  //  No comments

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Here’s this week’s collection of articles from around the traps. We pick articles which we think will help you make a healthy income, work a little more productively or just inspire you to ‘get on with it’! Enjoy x.


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1. Now I know why I am too tired to work well in the afternoon but am awesome after dinner! It’s that second wind. Read this if only for the last sentence. And keep peddling.


2. Here’s a great little article about motivation and it’s cousin, overwhelm, and this 6 step motivation – booster is fabulous.


3. We’re all ‘internet marketers’ to some degree. We have to be. It’s the way people find us and check us out. So although this article is written for the most-very-important ‘internet marketer’ it’s actually for you and me. It’s good stuff. Especially points 1 and 2.


4. Do you ever take your computer down to a cafe to work? I do. Sometimes I use cafes as an ‘office’ when I’m in between meetings in the City and other times just as a quiet place to get away from my noisy boys! Normally I barely glance at stuff like this but “How you get hacked at Starbucks”  got my attention. And slightly alarmed me.

5.This article answers a very specific question. But if you’re planning to get some stuff made in China you’ll be glad you read it.


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