Daily Juice

Today! It’s time to stop and take stock!

April 14, 2015, No Comments

Oh look! We’re more than 100 days into this year already! That went quickly. Yes?! I kinda feel I need to take stock. You too?...

The planning fallacy: what it is, why it hurts and how you can beat it! Ta-da!

April 6, 2015, No Comments

Have you heard of the Planning Fallacy? It’s a thing! It means we underestimate (by a lot) how long it takes us to do stuff....

Free! A Healthy Income Class!

April 1, 2015, 3 Comments

I'm running a little Healthy Income Class! Fancy joining us? Just go here to register. It's all free! Hurrah! What's in the class? See below!...

Six super-nice and very subtle ways to persuade your customer to buy!

March 25, 2015, 3 Comments

Here's something a bit different! It's a video. It's kinda like a chatty class! The topic is six super-nice techniques you can use to persuade...

Rituals and Routines to help you Get The Work Done

March 17, 2015, 2 Comments

Here’s a good way to Get The Work Done. It’s about routines. Oh silly me, that doesn’t sound very exciting does it?! But give me...

The two questions that will help you run a GREAT business while you also raise a family!

March 10, 2015, No Comments

If you’re running a business while raising a family there aren’t Enough Hours In The Day to do everything. Really. There aren’t! But it's not...

Facebook ads! Seven reasons why they might be GOOD for YOUR business!

March 3, 2015, No Comments

Oh um. Facebook ads. Some people love them, some people loathe them. But I think if you're running a small business they're SUPER- useful! YES! Before I go...

Trello for To Do lists and other fabulousness!

February 25, 2015, 10 Comments

I’ve been using a fabulous new thing for managing my todo lists and projects. You might like it TOO! Such fun. Want to know more?!...

Five FAB things to do if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed!

February 17, 2015, No Comments

Oh my! Sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed. So much to do! So little time! Do you feel like that TOO?! Here are five ways...

Getting organised with labels and label printer giveaway!

February 12, 2015, 20 Comments

I got a new toy today! To help me be organised.   My new toy is an Epson LabelWorks 600P printer! It’s dinky and cute...