Trello for To Do lists and other fabulousness!

Written by  //  February 25, 2015  //  Daily Juice  //  No comments

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I’ve been using a fabulous new thing for managing my todo lists and projects. You might like it TOO! Such fun. Want to know more?!

Trello for small business

Hello Trello! Fab for To Do lists and other fabulousness!

So the new thing is Trello. It’s not brand spanking “new”. Just new to me. It’s a tool that I use to manage my todo lists, projects and blogging. It’s free and it works on everything (your computer, phone and tablet) so everyone can use it!

What is it?

It’s kinda like a big collection of lists. It’s cleverer than that but it’s probably a bit easier to explain by looking at it.

Here’s my main page of Trello. It contains my boards. Like this:

Trello for small business

A few of my Trello boards

You make your own boards (more on that later) and you can colour code them (as I have with the purple one!)

Each board contains lists. Here’s what the HELLO board looks like inside

Trello for small business

Inside the HELLO board

You can make as many lists inside a board as you want. I’ve just made three for this little example board.

Each list contains cards – the ‘todo’ list above has 5 cards: “Write a post about Trello” is a card.

You can write notes on each card which is sooooo useful. Like this!

Trello for small business

Notes on the card!

And you can add attachments, checklists and all sorts!  So if I’m writing a blog post I can put all my research info into the card. Everything in one place. Hurrah! Trello for to do lists

You can move cards between lists and boards which is super-helpful, as you’ll see!

How I use Trello!

Here are some of the ways I use Trello which might help you get thinking about how YOU can use it!

1. I have an ‘Everything‘ board for  ‘to-do’s and inside there I have just one simple list where I write down stuff as soon as I think of it!  I need a place to jot things down quickly as I can be a bit forgetful so it’s kinda like my brain dump. My Everything Board is a mash up of work and home and I sort it into the right place later! You could also use this board for your I’m-Overwhelmed-Everything list!

2. I have project boards for each project I’m doing. For example two things I’m working on right now  are  ‘Updating website” and “Classes” and each of these has a board.

3. Inside the project boards I have three lists:

  • ToDo  – the master list of new stuff to do on that project
  • In progress – stuff I’ve actually started working on
  • Done list! – I love a Done List because I find it super- motivating to see all the stuff I’ve DONE! [ If you’re doing the Healthy Income Program this is the Done Wall!]

4. I move ‘cards’ (which are the individual tasks) from the Everything board ToDo list to the appropriate project board’s Todo list. Then when I start working on the task I move it to “In progress” and then when it’s done I put it in DONE! So simple but this really helps me feel organised!

5 I have a “Home” board for non-business-y things too! It’s just like another project board. [I’ve found it so useful that I even have a card that’s my grocery list and I pop what I need to buy in the notes on it!]

6. If you write a blog you might want to start a BLOG board. I have one which I use to list all the topics I’m thinking of writing about. I have different lists inside the board according to topic (that’s what works for me – but the ‘todo’, ‘in progress’ and ‘done’ works well here too!) and I use the cards to record down the blog post title and then in the notes on the card I write down my thoughts for the topic and attach research info)

7. I have a Daily ToDo board! Yup! Every night I work out what I’m going to do tomorrow (more on this here) and I put it in the todo list in my Daily board. Sometimes I move the cards from other lists (so I might move a card out of the project “classes” ToDo list and pop it in my Daily ToDo list). It’s so FUN! During the day I move stuff out of ToDo list and into DONE which, I must say, gives me a huge sense of achievement! [Tip! If you’re doing the Eisenhower Box you can label your ToDo cards with Important/Not-Important/Urgent/Not-Urgent to make sure you’re getting the right balance! ]

8. I have a 100 day board where I keep my 100 Day Activity list. I then pick things off the 100 Day Activity list for my Daily ToD0 list.

9 I have an Ideas board! Because I’ve started using Trello so much I now use it to store random thoughts and ideas. I pop each idea as a card in a ‘Thoughts’ list inside the board. I pop more details (as I think about it!) on the card and then, if I think it’s a GOOD idea I move it to the “Good idea’ list inside the board and that kinda tells me to do more work on it!

Trello for small business

What now?!

I use Trello for LOTS of things but I think the best way to discover its fabulousness is just to get started with a very simple TODO list and then explore experiment.  What d’you think? Fancy giving it a go?!

♡ YOU! ♡

Do you use Trello? Got any tips to share?


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