A clever LITTLE way to get more productive

Written by  //  September 22, 2014  //  Daily Juice  //  No comments

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Discipline is the bridge between goals

Here’s a really clever little way of getting more productive. It’s super-simple but works like a dream! Try it for a day and see if you like it.

Every hour stop working for a couple of minutes and ask yourself these two questions about what you are working on:

  1. Is doing this thing I’m doing the most effective use of my time?
  2. Am I doing this thing in the most efficient way?

A tip for question 1. Think about whether what you are working on is the best thing you can be doing right NOW towards your goals. This works super-well if you’re doing the 100 Day Goal and 100 Day Journal. If you’ve not got a goal just think about what you want to achieve this week and check in with yourself that the thing you’re working on is helping you do that!

Question 2 is just to see whether you’re doing your thing in the speediest, cheapest way! Don’t know about you, but I’m a creature of habit and unless I ask myself this question I just keep on doing stuff the same old way. Sometimes I have found there is a BETTER way, but I just haven’t thought to look!

Have YOU surprised yourself and found a better way to do something?!

What’s YOUR best tip for getting the right stuff done?!

PS We start the Healthy Income Program again on 2 February. Fancy joining us? Just pop your name down here and we’ll give you FREE access to the warm up! 


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