Lots of BAD ideas is a GOOD thing!

Written by  //  September 12, 2014  //  Daily Juice  //  No comments

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Have lots iof bad ideas cos soon enough (2)

I went to see Seth Godin talk today. He was VERY fabulous. If you don’t know of him take a look at his blog. He’s a marketer with a very different point of view. I just ♥ him!

Seth said lots of ACE stuff yesterday, including this:

“Have lots of BAD ideas ‘cos soon enough a GOOD idea will turn up”.

You might have heard me talk about the list of ‘100 marketing ideas‘. I suggest it if you’re stuck with your marketing. It sounds bonkers and I’m sure most of you are wondering how the * you’re going to come up with 100 marketing ideas if you can’t think of one ….. But it works! It really works!

Once we unshackle ourselves from the notion that every idea has to be a good one we can come up with LOTS of ideas.  True! OK some of them are ludicrous, many of them are expensive, but nestled inside the 100 is the germ of a VERY GOOD idea!

Fancy giving it a try?!

Grab some paper and write down 100 marketing ideas. When you’re done re-read the list. Is there a FAB new idea in there?! Tell me!


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