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Written by  //  September 30, 2013  //  scrapbook  //  No comments

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Tips on getting rid of clutter, getting more motivation, understanding importing and more!


1. Do you need a bit of motivation?! I loved this video! It’s 9 minutes long and some bits are better than others but it’s certainly worth a look.

2. Thinking of importing or exporting? This FAB article explains the difference between agents and distributors and helps you decide which to pick.

3. Does clutter get in the way of your work? It does me! Here are 10 steps to get rid of clutter and a quiz to help you understand why you have it in the first place!

4. Do you enjoy reading about how people got started in their businesses and enjoyed skimming (a skim is enough!) through this one.

5. I’m a huge fan of Seth Godin. If you’ve got time (18 minutes!) and want a different take on motivation and getting stuff done watch this.


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