#56 Three brilliant questions for you and your business

Written by  //  August 9, 2012  //  Daily Juice  //  No comments

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Albert Einstein said that if he had 60 minutes to solve a problem, he would spend 55 minutes figuring what question to ask.

finding the right questions to ask is tricky. So here are three goodies
that I have collected over the years. They all focus on your business
and let’s just say they have magical properties.

answering the questions (spend about 10 minutes on each) and then flip
down to see how to interpret your responses. No peeking!

1. The Money Fairy appears and gives your business $5000. You have to spend it today. What would you spend it on?

2. The Knowledge Fairy appears and gives you one piece of knowledge. What piece of knowledge would be most useful to you right now?

3. The Extra-Pair of Hands Fairy
appears and gives you an extra 30 hours of your time. You can’t bank it
– so you have to use your twin’s time this week, and in your business.
What would you do with it?

Have you answered the questions?

Ok here goes….

1. The Money Fairy.
This question is a very good way of clearing your mind of clutter and
helping you focus on the part of the business that needs most investment
(time or money) right now.

2. The Knowledge Fairy.
This question gets us thinking about the knowledge we actually need. We
are often rather reactive with knowledge, scooping up whatever’s
offered (via events, blogs, twitter etc) rather than searching out the
knowledge we need.

3. The Extra Pair of Hands Fairy.
This question helps us articulate and prioritise all the work we have
to do. Plus if you have things on your to-do list that you wouldn’t even
bother giving your twin, you’re safe to strike them off!

So, on the basis of your answers:

1. What are you going to spend your next dollar on?
2. What piece of knowledge are you going to seek out?
3. Where are the three extra tasks that you are going to get done this week?

Now let me just wave my magic wand……


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